“Don’t Scratch That Itch!”: Dispelling Auction Myths

As an auctioneer, it still amazes me when people come into the auction gallery and worry about buying something on accident. They will say, “I was told not to scratch my nose or touch my hair since that is how you bid at an auction, right?” I usually just laugh this off and tell them that most people use their bidder card and, unless they really seem intent on bidding, the worst thing that could happen is that the auctioneer pokes fun at them a little bit. That said, I think this brings up an interesting point that auctioneers must consider. There is still a perception out there that auctions are stuffy and uninviting. So, I wanted to take a minute and dispel a few myths about attending an auction:
MYTH #1: Auctions cost money to attend. FACT: There is no cost to attend or register.
MYTH #2: You have to be an expert to buy. FACT: Buy what you like and enjoy it. It is OK to set your own limits, what it is worth is defined by you, not by someone else.
MYTH #3: There are no bargains. FACT: Even with competition from the Internet there are still bargains to be had. That is why you don’t want to miss an auction!
MYTH #4: Not family friendly. FACT: Kids are welcome. Show them around and let them see all the cool and interesting things that people used before IPads.
MYTH #5: There is no food. FACT: We have a great local food vendor that provides locally sourced meals.
MYTH #6: You have to buy something. FACT: There is something very satisfying about buying something at auction, but this is not a requirement to attend.
For me, auction night is a celebration after weeks of hard work. I want everyone to feel welcome. If you are still intimidated by attending an auction in person, start online. Most auction houses have a website and will list their inventory online before the auction. You can register and bid absentee before the auction, or you can choose to register online to bid live during the auction. Don’t let another bargain pass you by. Get to your local auction gallery and have some fun buying something new to you!